Generally my morning start with a nice cup of black tea with
milk and honey, and half of a whole-wheat English muffin with my home-made
almond butter (recipe coming next time I make a batch!!) and then for my
mid-morning nourishment I opt for a smoothie. Today I was feeling particularly
adventurous, knowing that I’d have a yoga class at lunch time to get through so
I decided to throw a handful of spinach into my smoothie. I do this quite often
when my smoothies need to be more of a meal then a delicious treat, and this
did not disappoint. I couldn’t resist and drank it right away, and then had to
make a second for later!

Blueberry Spinach
This creamy, nutrient packed smoothie is perfect for
breakfast, pre-work out or post-work out snack; it provides protein for your
muscles and tastes like a bit of heaven! The coconut-blueberry-banana mix is a
perfect blend of flavours, while the oats and spinach are packed with fiber and
Prep Time: 5 minutes // Yields: 1 serving
1/4 c. oats, ground into flour consistency
1/2 banana
1/3 c. Frozen blueberries
Handful of spinach, rinsed and roughly chopped
Coconut water (roughly 1/2 - 2/3 c.)
Add oats to blender and cover with some of
coconut water, stir to combine well.
Add banana, spinach and blueberries to the
blender, and then fill about blender 2/3 full with remaining coconut water and
blend until a nice, smooth consistency. There will probably be little bits of
spinach that don’t blend, just take your floss with you!
*Please note – I did
not measure the coconut water, so I’m guessing. It would be best to follow
directions and eye ball.
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